Welcome to The Silke Farm!
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Our infamous flock of silkies are not only pets but also a part of our family. They rule the roost and do as they please on our farm.
They’re too cute to keep cooped up.
They are able to free-range as much as they like with other fellow silkies. We play with them daily and they enjoy us as much as we do them.
Silkies have a famously friendly and docile nature, which makes them a popular choice as backyard pets. They are gentle and easy to handle, making them an excellent choice for families with children or those new to keeping chickens.
Most of our show silkie chicken flocks have competed and won, as FFA & Rodeo contestants!
We strive to provide the best quality eggs, chicks, and chickens and breed specific to the American Poultry Association standards for all our breeds. We will always be available to answer questions and provide support throughout your new journey of making your own pet chickens apart of your family.

We want to hear from you!

Our Forever-Family Adoption Pictures and Stories. SHARE WITH US TO PLACE YOUR BABIES ON OUR PAGE!